Steering Committee:
Daniel Kotlarz - Chair
Federica Giachero - Co-Chair
Description: The aims of the working group are to a) promote collaborative scientific research in the epigenetics of GI health and disease amongst ESPGHAN members b) share scientific expertise and novel data within a working group, by establishing joint research protocols, collaborative workshops, educational meetings and exchange programs c) establish a key group of individuals with sufficient expertise and interest within ESPGHAN to study epigenetics in paediatric GI disease
Background: Evidence is rapidly accumulating that epigenetic mechanism(s), e.g. DNA methylation, histone modifications and expression of non-coding RNAs, may play a major role in disease pathogenesis of complex diseases such as allergies, neurological disorders (e.g. schizophrenia) and autoimmune diseases, including inflammatory bowel diseases. This is paralleled by substantial progress in understanding the epigenetic mechanisms through which environmental triggers (e.g. diet, exposure to toxins) can alter gene expression during pregnancy and in early childhood. Such mechanisms may ultimately contribute to the observed rise in many complex diseases. It is becoming increasingly clear that research in the paediatric patient population could provide a unique and highly significant contribution in advancing knowledge in this field. Only recently are available methodologies beginning to allow researchers to investigate the potential impact of epigenetic mechanisms in complex diseases.
These methods are partly being adapted from those used for genetic studies (e.g. next generation sequencing, bead arrays etc). However, in contrast to genetic studies, epigenetic investigations differ substantially in their requirements and demand highly complex data analysis. Specifically, as epigenetic signatures are less stable than DNA sequence and are highly tissue and cell type specific, sample collection is more complex and requires appropriate expertise on site. Samples need to be processed immediately including cell separation and in some instances chromatin extraction. Hence, appropriate local scientific expertise is required and must be transferred from a core facility to the place of sample collection or collaborating units. The lack of local expertise currently limits multi centre studies for larger sample collection.
Projects & Activities: to view all recent and upcoming activities of this Working Group, you can download the annual report here.
Terms of Reference: to view the ToR of this Working Group, please click here.