ESPGHAN International Exchange Award

Purpose and scope

This grant is to support the sharing of knowledge and expertise amongst ESPGHAN members, which are not available in the applicant’s country of practice and aims to stimulate collaborations.  Placements are to be carried out within Europe. All grants are limited to a 12-month duration from the time of approval. 

Amount: up to EUR 3.000,00 
Specification: The grant will help cover travel and accommodation costs within host European countries. This award will not cover attendance at courses / schools / symposia or conferences


  • The applicant must be an ESPGHAN Member in good standing (any type)
  • The applicant should be a young investigator / clinician with less than ten years in the sub-speciality
  • Applicant supervisors of both institutions (“home” and institute to be visited) must ESPGHAN Members in good standing
  • The project is to be carried out within Europe.
  • The exchange project must be completed within one year after the date of approval

Application and selection process

Complete application must be sent to ESPGHAN office and the following will apply:

  • A letter of intent including a brief description of the planned project / visit and likely benefit to the applicant and/or host institution.
  • A current CV
  • A confirmation letter issued by the visited Institution and co-signed by supervisors of home and visited centres. This should confirm the dates and aims of the visit.

Application Deadline: Applications can be made throughout the year.

Selection Criteria: ESPGHAN wishes to promote the learning of any techniques / expertise not available in the home institution. Examples include: an exchange visit to acquire specific diagnostic / therapeutic endoscopy skills, to learn a relevant laboratory technique, to learn how to set up / provide a specific service model (e.g. impedance, manometry, national registry or biobank).
Selection Process

  • The process is coordinated by the General Secretary
  • ESPGHAN Council will review the applications independently
  • The applicant will receive notification no later than 6 weeks after receipt of application

Reporting and disbursement of the fund

Within one month after the exchange completion, please send the following to ESPGHAN Office:

  • Completion of, a one-page summary of the exchange and its achievements signed by the supervisor of the host institution 
  • A statement on the use of finances addressed to ESPGHAN Treasurer incl. all relevant receipts

Funds will only be released after the receipt of the above-mentioned report and financial statement incl. copies of the according receipts. Exceptions to this rule are at the discretion or the treasurer.

Download expenses claim form



Petra Riznik - Report available upon request

Rouzha Pancheva - Report available upon request

Rositsa Chamova - Report available upon request

Antonio Corsello - Report available upon request


 Laurianne Giovannoni - Report available upon request


 Christina Katsagoni - Report available upon request


Salvatore Oliva - Report available upon request
Ilektra Athiana - Report available upon request

Bàlint Tél - Report


Vishnu Biradar - Report available upon request
Jan Nowak - Report available upon request
Tim de Meij - Report available upon request
Oren Ledder - Report available upon request


Zahra Khan - Report available upon request
Janos Major - Report available upon request
Andreia Nita - Report available upon request
Isabelle Scheers - Report available upon request


Liliana Ladino - Report available upon request
Maartje Singendonk - Report available upon request
Sema Berktas - Report available upon request


Ana Ștefănescu - Report
Mona Abdelhady - Report
Nara Elizabeth Lara Pompa - Report
Paula Crespo - Report
Protima Amon - Report


Marta Tavares - Report


Alemka Jaklin Kekez - Report
Iva Hojask - Report
Rouza Pancheva - Report
Virtut Velmishi - Report




Lampors Fotis - Report available upon request


For any enquiry regarding this award, please contact ESPGHAN Office