Hepatology Summer School

September 10 -13, 2025
Cluj-Napoca, Romania

General Information

General Information

The ESPGHAN Summer School of Hepatology 2025 aimed at young and experienced pediatricians interested in clinical pediatric hepatology. This school offer you the opportunity to learn from expert faculty from different pediatric hepatology centers from Europe. You will have the chance to interact with participants around the world and to present your work, research or to discuss difficult cases from your practice. Due to an interactive environment, the ESPGHAN Summer School of Hepatology may set the grounds for future collaborations in the field for all participants.

The course language is English.

This school is supported by the ESPGHAN Education Partner Programme.


Preliminary Programme

DAY 1 - Wednesday 10 September 2025


13.00 Lunch. Arrival. Registration

14.00               Welcome. Introduction of the faculty and delegates.        

14.30-16.00     Basics in pediatric hepatology

Lab evaluation in liver diseases                      

Imaging of the liver                                                    

Basics in liver pathology

Signs of liver disease outside the liver                                               

Non-invasive evaluation of the liver             

16.00               Coffee break               

16.30-18.30     Neonatal cholestasis

Diagnostic approach in cholestasis

Biliary atresia


Alagille syndrome

Case discussions - 2

Q & A

20.00 Welcome Dinner

DAY 2 – Thursday 11 September 2025

8.30-10.30       Chronic liver diseases (infections, autoimmunity, steatosis)

Chronic viral hepatitis B and C

Autoimmune liver disease (autoimmune hepatitis and autoimmune sclerosing cholangitis)

Steatotic liver disease

                        Case discussions – 2

Q & A

16.00               Coffee break               

11.00-13.00     Genetic and Metabolic liver diseases

Genetic testing in liver disease          

Wilson’s disease  

Alfa 1 anti-trypsine deficiency

Rare diseases with liver involvement

Case discussions – 2

Q & A

13.00-14.00     Lunch

14.00-16.00     Management of the end-stage liver disease

                        Overview of the complications of cirrhosis. Management of ascites

                        Portal hypertension and management of variceal bleeding.

                        Cardiac involvement in liver diseases  

Case discussions – 2

Q & A

16.00   Coffee break               

16.30-18.30     Acute liver failure

                        Causes of ALF in neonates and children

                        DILI and toxic causes of hepatitis

                        Management of ALF in neonates and children

                        Case discussions – 2

                        Q &A

20.00               Dinner

DAY 3 – Friday 12 September 2025

8.30-10.30       Vascular diseases and liver tumors

                        Congenital anomalies, including congenital porto-systemic shunts

                        Portal vein thrombosis

                        Liver tumors: diagnosis and management

                        Case discussions – 2

                        Q &A

16.00               Coffee break               

11.00-13.00     Liver transplantation

                        Indications of LT in children and pre-transplant evaluation

                        Surgical aspects of LT for pediatric hepatologist

                        Post-transplant management

                        Case discussions – 2

                        Q &A

13.00-14.00     Lunch

14.00-16.00     Challenging cases – discussions in groups, on case proposal from faculty (5 groups)

16.30               Social activities – visit to Saltmine Turda (17.00), vineyard and dinner

DAY 4 – Saturday 13 September 2025

8.30-10.30       Plenary presentations of the groups activity

16.00               Coffee break               

11.00-12.00     Hot topics and future in pediatric hepatology

All faculty round table discussions

12.00-12.30     Conclusions

13.00               Farewell lunch


Application deadline: TBC

Participation fees: 200 EUR for members 250 EUR for non-members

Kindly use the online application form on this page. Applications submitted by email cannot be accepted. If you experience any issues with the tool, please contact us at office@espghan. 

Candidates will be selected based on a motivation letter, CV and Case report. In a later stage, some delegates will be selected for presentation during the course, and best case presentations will be awarded.

Please do not make travel arrangements before receipt of a formal confirmation of acceptance from the ESPGHAN Office. The number of participants is limited and a selection will be made by the school organisers after the deadline. Priority will be given to ESPGHAN Members.

ESPGHAN Members may attend two courses per year and non-members may attend one course before becoming members of the society. 

Delegates are expected to attend the full course and arrange their travel according to the course schedule. 


Cost Coverage

ESPGHAN will arrange and cover the following for registered delegates: 

  • Accommodation up to 3 nights (organised by ESPGHAN)
  • Pre-arranged dinners and social programme  
  • Catering throughout the course   
  • Course Material 



Please be aware that ESPGHAN will be taking photos and/or videos at this event. By registering and attending th is course you acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions. Details of the disclaimer will be attached to your notification email. Please contact office@espghan.org if you have any questions or concerns.


If you have any questions, please contact the ESPGHAN Office for details.
Phone: +41 (0)22 9000 401
Email: office@espghan.org